Placing, Removing, and Testing fixed protection for sport climbing.
Matt has been involved in climbing new routes since the late 80s:
"I find one of the most compelling things in climbing, is finding a route that noone else has done, climbing it and documenting it. Whenever I go to a climbing area, I am less interested in the existing routes, than the gaps between them.
As a kid, I used a hand drill to place the odd 8mm bolt (sometimes probably not very well!) to protect the hardest moves if I couldn't climb the route without it.
In the 90s, I got involved with the North Wales bolt fund, and started placing bolts more to create safe routes - although we did still keep them pretty runout sometimes!
Things have moved on these days, and I now devote a lot of my time to making safe old routes, using environmentally sustainable bolts and removing old fixed gear to "clean up" our beautiful crags."
We schedule workshops for AMI and/or MTA - details of these can be found on our Booking pages.
If you would like to arrange some personal CPD in this area, please get in touch and we will be more than happy to work to your requirements.
Prices vary according to the session.

We deliver training and personal development in the placing, removal and testing of fixed equipment for sport climbing.
We work closely with the North Wales Bolt Fund to support the safe development of fixed equipment in North Wales.
We have delivered workshops at various sites including North Wales Limestone, UAE Desert Limestone and Mid-Wales Slate Mines.
Our CPD is recognised by the Association of Mountaineering Instructors, and Mountain Training.